Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Sexual Harassment at the Workplace

Sexual harassment at the workplace is an enhanced form of violence that takes place in daily routine and snatches away the women’s right to life and healthy livelihood.

The Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013: This law mandates employers to provide a safe working environment for women and establishes procedures for addressing complaints of sexual harassment at the workplace. It defines sexual harassment broadly and requires employers to set up Internal Complaints Committee (ICC) to handle complaints.

Key Provisions:

Internal Complaints Committee (ICC):  As per the POSH Act, an employer has 10 workers or more is required to set up an Internal Complaints Committee for the redressal of ‘sexual harassment complaints at such entity and to regulate and administer complaints on sexual harassment. An Internal Complaints Committee is required to be constituted which shall submit an annual report to its employer and District Officer. Mandatory establishment of an ICC in every organization with 10 or more employees.

The Local Complaints Committee (LCC):  In workplaces where the number of employees is less than ten or in places where it is not possible to constitute an ICC due to any valid reason, the Act provides for the establishment of a Local Complaints Committee (LCC). In addition to ICCs, the act also provides for the establishment of Local Complaints Committees (LCCs) in every district of India.

What is POSH (Prevention of Social Harassment Committee) ACT

POSH or the Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013 (the Act) is a groundbreaking law on a much-needed and burning issue. It is India’s first codified legislation that categorically deals with the prevention, prohibition, and redressal of sexual harassment of women at the workplace.

The Act came into force on December 9, 2013, and is binding on every organization, public or private, having more than 10 employees.

Origins:  The POSH Act’s roots lie in the Vishakha Guidelines of 1997, formulated after the Bhanwari Devi gang rape case in Rajasthan. These guidelines laid the foundation for addressing sexual harassment at workplaces.

Objective: The Act aims to prevent and protect women from sexual harassment at workplaces and ensure effective redressal.

Legislation Enactment: After nearly 16 years, in 2013, the POSH Act was enacted, transforming the guidelines into a legal framework.


1) The constitution of IC helps an organization in reaching the objective of building a safe workplace in line with the guidelines of the Act.

(2) Duly formed IC helps in reducing the reputational risk for the organization because when Internal Complaints Committee is trained it can deal with cases of sexual harassment at the workplace effectively within the organization itself.

(3) The IC training also reduces the risk of unnecessary litigation that is increasing in the organizations due to the ineffectiveness of IC to deal with sexual harassment cases.

Internal Complaints Committee (ICC)

Responsibilities of ICC:

Every company should have a safe and harassment-free workplace. In the case of the complaint against POSH, the ICC is solely responsible to investigate without being bias. The ICC is required to be vigilant to redress the sexual harassment complaints and resolves the same ASAP. ICC is the sole authority to inquire about the complaints and make efforts to redress the same.

The Complaints of sexual harassment at a workplace corrode the persona of not only the complainant and the accused, but of the company and its goodwill as well. Important guidelines which ICC is required to comply with while conducting the sexual harassment inquiry The timelines for resolving complaints as defined under the Act which ICC needs to follow while investigating a complaint.

Complaint Mechanism: Provision for women to file a complaint of sexual harassment.

Confidentiality: Ensuring the confidentiality of the complainant and the proceedings. Penalties: For non-compliance, organizations face monetary fines also.

Members of ICC:

An ICC is an internal committee of a workplace to receive and redress complaints of sexual harassment. It is required to consist of a minimum of four members: A Presiding Officer who has to be a woman employed at a senior level at workplace.

From the Organisation-


Eligibility: Women working at senior level as employee; then nominated from other office/units/ if not available department/workplace of the same employer.

2 members(minimum):

Eligibility: From amongst employees committed to the cause of women/ having legal knowledge/ experience in social work.


Eligibility: From amongst NGO/associations committed to the cause of women or a person familiar with the issue of sexual harassment.

External Members-

External third party/ members on the complaint committee/s (from the civil society or legal background) should posess the following attributes:

1.Demonstrated knowledge, skill and capacity in dealing with work place sexual harassment issues/ complaints.

2.At least 5 years of experience as a social worker, working towards women’s empowerment and in perticular, addressing workplace sexual harassment.

3.Sound grasp and practice of the legal aspects/ implications. Especially with labour, service, criminal law.

Duties of the ICC:

Redressal of the complaints filed

  • Within the scope of the laws
  • With fairness and bias
  • Within the time period of 90 days

Awareness Workshops and Activities

To educate all employees of the organisation

  • Sexual harassment at workplace, it’s effects and laws against it.
  • Filing the complaint with ICC.
Workshops and Activities
Filing a Complaint:

6 Stages of Redressal:

Stage-1: Receipt of the complainant
  • Receive and Aknowledge receipt of the complainant
  • Meet and talk to the complainant to discuss options of formal/informal resolution
  • Start informal/formal mechanism as choosen by the complainant
  • Inform the respondent and ask for a response.
Stage-2: Planning Carefully
  • Prepare the file
  • Interim measures and support for the complainant
Stage-3: Interviews
  • Prepare an interview plan(complainant, respondent, witnesses)
  • Assess completeness of the information collected.
Stage-4: Reasoning and Analysis
  • Analyze the information gathered
  • Create a timeline of events from the information
  • Compare similarities/ differences of statements from the interviewees.
Stage-5: Findings and Recommendations
  • Conclude whether the complainant is upheld or not
  • Recommendations according to your findings
Stage-6: Writing the report and submitting to the employer for final submission
  • Write the report
  • Submit to the employer

Timeline for Action( Step by Step)

Submission of Complaint to the ICC- Within 3 months of the last incident

Notice to the Respondent by the ICCWithin 7 days of receiving the complaint

Reply of the Respondent (optional) in writing- Within 10 days of receiving notice from ICC

Completion of Inquiry by ICCWithin 90 days of receiving complaint

Submission of report by ICC to the employerWithin 10 days of completion of inquiry

Implementation of RecommendationsWithin 60 days of receipt of report from ICC

Appeal to Tribunal/Court by the complainant/respondent as the case may be- Within 90 days of the recommendations

Report of the ICC to the appropriate GOVT. or District Officer- In the Annual Report of that year

Local Complaint Committee(LCC)

It operates at the district level and is responsible for receiving, inquiring into, and redressing complaints of sexual harassment. It has the authority to conduct inquiries, recommend actions, and aid the victim.


a. Presiding Officer: An eminent woman in the field of social work and committed to the cause of women.

b. A woman working in block, taluka or tahsil or ward or municipality in the district.

c. One member from any related field, such as social work or human rights.

d. In addition to this, the officer dealing with the social welfare or women and child development in the district will be an LCC member by defult.

e. One of the members who is nominated will have strong background in law or legal knowledge.

f. One of the members will be a woman belonging to the SC/ ST or other backward classes or minority community.


The LCC’s main functions include receiving complaints of sexual harassment, conducting inquiries into the complaints, helping the complainant during the inquiry process, and recommending appropriate actions and redressal measures.


The LCC has jurisdiction over the workplace where the complaint arises. It has the authority to investigate complaints of sexual harassment filed by any woman, whether she is an employee, an intern, or a visitor to the workplace.


The LCC has several responsibilities, including:

1. Receiving complaints of sexual harassment from employees, or any person associated with the organization.

2. Conducting inquiries or investigations into the complaints.

3. Submitting a report to the employer within 10 days of receiving the complaint.

4. Recommending appropriate actions to the employer based on the inquiry findings.

5. Monitoring the implementation of the recommendations and providing follow-up reports.

Complaint Procedure:

  • The POSH Act defines a specific procedure for filing complaints with the LCC.
  • The complainant should submit the complaint in writing to the LCC, either in person or through email.
  • The LCC is required to maintain confidentiality throughout the inquiry process.


  • The LCC is mandated to complete the inquiry within 90 days of receiving the complaint.
  • If the LCC finds the accused guilty, it can recommend disciplinary action against the offender, such as warning, reprimand, transfer, or termination of employment.

Member of LCC (Local Complain Committee) Dist. KHORDHA

(Provision Contained Section 4(1) of sexual harassment at workplace Act-2013)


Name of the Participant


Phone Number



Smt. Manjuprava Dhal NGO Member





Rumana Jafri OAS Tahasildar, Jatni





Smt. Sabitri Mishra, Advocate





Mr. Kartik Pradhan, NGO Member





Smt. Pushpanjali Mishra, DSWO

Member Convener




Complaint regarding Sexual Harassment against women can be made either in paper form or by sending e-mail to iccsh-dst[at]gov[dot]in. The Act stipulates that aggrieved woman can make written complaint of sexual harassment at workplace to the ICC or to the LCC (in case a complaint is against the employer), within a period of three months from the date of incident and in case of a series of incidents, within a period of three months from the date of last incident. As per the Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Rules, 2013, in case the aggrieved woman is unable to make a complaint on account of her physical incapacity, a complaint may be filed inter alia by her relative or friend or her co-worker or an officer of the National Commission for Woman or State Women's Commission or any person who has knowledge of the incident, with the written consent of the aggrieved woman.
Ministry of Women & Child Development launched an online complaint management system titled Sexual Harassment electronic -Box (She-Box) on 24th July, 2017 for registering complaints related to Sexual Harassment at workplace. The She-Box is an initiative to provide a platform to the women working or visiting any office of Central Government (Central Ministries, Departments, Public Sector Undertakings, Autonomous Bodies and Institutions etc.) to file complaints related to Sexual Harassment at workplace under the Sexual Harassment of Women at workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013.
Once a complaint is submitted to She-Box, it will be directly sent to the Internal Complaint Committee (ICC) of the concerned Ministry/ Department/ PSU/ Autonomous Body etc. having jurisdiction to inquire into the complaint. The She-Box also provides an opportunity to both the complainant and nodal administrative authority to monitor the progress of inquiry conducted by the ICCs.

CLICK HERE - SHe-Box – Online Complaint Management System

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